Left-wing politics and how it forces the indigenous Indians to accept their oppressor’s theory as their own

Who or what is the left wing?
The left-wingers subscribe to a Marxist worldview where Marx propounded a theory called Communism. The basics of communism tell us that there is always an oppressor and an oppressed class in any society. The oppressor class is always whoever holds all the power.

What is Democracy
Next, we need to understand the word democracy. Democracy is based on 2 basic principles:
1. Individual autonomy: Nobody should live under the rules created by others.
2. Equality: Every person should have the same opportunity to influence the decisions that affect people in society.

Democracy and communism
Now let us apply Marxist thinking to democracy. Although the original principles of democracy are autonomy and equality, what happens is power gets transferred into the hands of the majority and according to a Marxist these people who are in majority become the oppressors while those in minority become oppressed.

But the problem is when this thinking is applied to India (or any other colonized nation). Although the native population is in the majority and the Muslim or Christian population is in the minority, their forefathers were the ones who invaded India, looted her resources, raped her population, murdered many of them, and launched ethnocides and genocides against her population, so originally the defacto oppressors.

Why did the oppressors (Islamic and British invaders) do what they did?
These oppressors created false narratives to project Indians as barbarians who need reformation. They took it upon themselves to provide us with this reformation. What is the need for this kind of intellectual gymnastics? It is so that they can show the world that their colonizing us was justified. Applying their Portuguese caste system to our jati and varna systems and conflating their system with ours is a good example of this kind of false narrative.
Another example is a theory they devised called the ‘Aryan Invasion Theory.’

What is the basis of the Aryan Invasion Theory?
They provide us with archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence.

The archaeological evidence is based on the work of a mid-20th century archaeologist Mortimer Wheeler, who interpreted the presence of many unburied corpses found in the top levels of Mohenjo-Daro as the victims of conquest wars. Who is Mortimer wheeler and how did he come to this conclusion? Mortimer wheeler was an archaeologist who upon the recommendation of Leonard Woolley, another British archaeologist, to Archibald Wavell, the then viceroy of India came to work in India. When wheeler came to India, he said “they feed wrongly and think wrongly and live wrongly. I already find myself regarding them as ill-made clockwork toys rather than as human beings, and I find myself bullying them most brutally.” He expelled those staff members whom he deemed too idle, and physically beat others in an attempt to motivate them.

The evidence that he came up with were a few slash marks on the unburied corpses he found and concluded they were made by swords carried by the Aryans and it was the “Aryan Invasion.”

Aryan Invasion Theory
Based on this ‘evidence’ later historians created a whole theory, that a race of dark people was living in India, they had an advanced civilization, they were then attacked by a group of white-skinned barbarians who came in riding on horses. Although the civilization already living in India was much more advanced in every sense, the Aryans through their cunning nature were able to launch a full-scale invasion and destroy the already living dark-skinned Dravidian civilization and they were driven further south. The Aryans occupied north India. With them, they brought Sanskrit, which replaced the previous Dravidian languages.

Later additions to this theory even go so far as to propound that Shri Rama was a fair-skinned Aryan. Ravana was a dark-skinned Dravidian. It was because Shri Rama’s ancestors drove Ravana’s ancestors down south, Ravana is justified in trying to kidnap Sita. Because, Ravana was a Rakshasa and according to the 8 methods of marriage within the Vedic body of literature, rakshasa vivaha was one of the methods described where the bride is kidnapped and then married ‘against her will’ it was completely okay for Ravana to do what he did and Rama killing Ravana was another oppressive act by the white-skinned Aryan.

This is twisted further when all the Rakshas are declared Dravidians who never followed the Vedas or Hinduism but were indigenous people, who had their native customs and rituals.

I will not point out the obvious holes in any of the discussions presented above. Another time – Another place.

Invasion to Migration
But, this colorful theory was changed from Aryan Invasion to Aryan Migration in recent times. The reason for this was that what Mortimer found was later debunked as ‘skeletons which were just hasty interments, not massacred victims.’ Mortimer himself at the fag end of his life went back on his words and said, “This is a possibility, but it can’t be proven, and it may not be correct. The unburied corpses may indicate an event in the final phase of human occupation of Mohenjo-Daro, and that thereafter the place was uninhabited, but that the decay of Mohenjo-Daro has to be ascribed to structural causes such as salinization.”

Migration too debunked
The most recent excavation, where they found a female skeleton who was found at Rakhigari in present-day Haryana debunked even the migration theory. This female skeleton is called 14411 by archaeologists. The skeleton is about 4500 years old. When they found her, they thought that there could be more such corpses in the region. When they excavated they found 500 more corpses. Of these, they took DNA sampling of 44 viable corpses.

What was the conclusion of this study?
Excavations at the site of Rakhigarhi have revealed a Mature Harappan context dated to about 2800-2300 BCE. The sampling of the skeletal remains was done at this site, of what appears to be a woman with the genetic identification code I6113 and the archaeological skeletal code RGR7.3, BR-01, HS-02.

The principal-component analysis technique involving a comparison with similar data from 11 other skeletal remains in two sites [Gonur (3) and Shahr-i-Sokhta (8)] was undertaken.

Cutting through the details of techniques and analysis, it appears that “this individual is not only significantly different in ancestry from the primary ancient populations of Bronze Age Gonur and Shahr-i-Sokhta but also does not fall within the variation of present-day South Asians.”

Based on this new evidence archaeologists like Professor Vasant Shinde wrote papers in famous scientific journals such as the Cell, where he said “The paper indicates that there was no Aryan invasion and no Aryan migration and that all the developments right from the hunting-gathering stage to modern times in South Asia were done by indigenous people.”

Genetics and archaeology debunked together
Genetics and archaeology go hand in hand and have been disproven with the 14411 excavation.

Simple counter to linguistic evidence
The same way the linguistic evidence they provide, is that the Dravidian languages (south-Indian) have nothing to do with Sanskrit while Sanskrit has similarities to Latin and other European languages. Using this hotch-potch of a theory which has many holes they confirm that Sanskrit must have been brought from outside by someone. The simplest answer to linguistic evidence comes from the abundance of Samskritam within the so-called “Dravidian languages.”

In the references section, I will provide references to both sides of the argument. I leave it up to the reader to form their own conclusions.

References for Aryan Migration:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Aryan_migrations

References against Aryan theory(ies):
1. https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/first-draft-the-invasion-that-never-was-why-eminent-historians-still-swear-by-debunked-aryan-theory-10933101.html

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INqiGUvdhdo
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE6GRFmoDqSJsNaVuCrlSRO0hUYn6u_0a

1. https://www.amazon.in/Aryan-Invasion-Theory-Re-appraisal/dp/8185689407/
2. https://www.amazon.in/Still-Trace-Aryan-Invasion-Indo-European/dp/8173056048/
3. https://www.amazon.in/Aryan-Invasion-Theory-Final-Coffin-ebook/dp/B00AEIHF2Y/
4. https://www.amazon.in/Aryan-Invasion-Myth-Century-Indology-ebook/dp/B072C33MQX/

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