
The global left and how they are piggybacking on the trans ideology to further their agenda

Gender dysphoria is a real problem and it affects 0.5% of the planet’s population. The numbers in the land of the free and the home of the brave are disproportionate. The left’s bigger agenda is to destabilize economies and ruin the past kingdoms, now democracies. This can happen through economically destabilizing policies that will ruin …

The global left and how they are piggybacking on the trans ideology to further their agenda Read More »

Left-wing politics and how it forces the indigenous Indians to accept their oppressor’s theory as their own

Who or what is the left wing? The left-wingers subscribe to a Marxist worldview where Marx propounded a theory called Communism. The basics of communism tell us that there is always an oppressor and an oppressed class in any society. The oppressor class is always whoever holds all the power. What is Democracy Next, we …

Left-wing politics and how it forces the indigenous Indians to accept their oppressor’s theory as their own Read More »

Differences between the LGBTQIA+ and Hindu nonbinary people

LGBTQ + movement/Western – ‘left liberal ‘approach to non-binary gender issue Hindu engagement in support of non-binary gender Victimhood based ‘demand for rights’ approach Bringing out lack of victimization in the grassroots of Hindu culture 2. Including Hinduism among the victimizing ‘religions’ 2. Singling out Hindu culture as a non-victimizing tradition 3. Does not include …

Differences between the LGBTQIA+ and Hindu nonbinary people Read More »

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