
A small lesson on adulteration/interpolation of books

Vedic body of literature neither promotes nor denies nonbinary gender people. The ten percent sculptures in Khajuraho temple have a Tantric meaning and have nothing to do with allowing or disallowing any activity. If they do, evidence explaining the same would have been available. Being a practitioner of Vyoma Bindu Bhairava Tantra, I can explain …

A small lesson on adulteration/interpolation of books Read More »

Expounding upon what is Science and the Scientific Method for those of who have no clue

First of all, I would like to elucidate a few words on what science is and what it isn’t according to the standpoint of a Dharmic. Science is a subject based on Pratyaksha Pramana and Anumana. To some extent when working in conjunction with Philosophy and logic, it also does accept Upamana. Arthapatti and Anupalabdi …

Expounding upon what is Science and the Scientific Method for those of who have no clue Read More »

Left-wing politics and how it forces the indigenous Indians to accept their oppressor’s theory as their own

Who or what is the left wing? The left-wingers subscribe to a Marxist worldview where Marx propounded a theory called Communism. The basics of communism tell us that there is always an oppressor and an oppressed class in any society. The oppressor class is always whoever holds all the power. What is Democracy Next, we …

Left-wing politics and how it forces the indigenous Indians to accept their oppressor’s theory as their own Read More »

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