The global left and how they are piggybacking on the trans ideology to further their agenda

Gender dysphoria is a real problem and it affects 0.5% of the planet’s population.

The numbers in the land of the free and the home of the brave are disproportionate.

The left’s bigger agenda is to destabilize economies and ruin the past kingdoms, now democracies.

This can happen through economically destabilizing policies that will ruin a country’s economy. This will ultimately help them achieve their wet dream of setting up the impossible stateless proletariat.

We all know how that has multiple endings such as in the case of the USSR, china, north Korea, and Cuba. 4 of them are 4 models of how Marxism can fail.

We also have our own examples of failed states such as Bengal, and Kerala and failed movements such as the one that happened at Naxal bury in India.

It has a lot of violence involved with zero positive results every single time.

But to achieve their dreams this time, they have picked the “trans ideology.”

This confuses kids and forces doctors to give gender reassignment drugs and surgeries and when people cannot afford it as it costs nearly 1 million USD to provide this to every so-called “trans” child and person, it forces the government to pay for it.

The more “trans” children, the more they can destabilize an economy. So, they have made it their mission to confuse kids as well as the rest of the world. They use human rights organizations and commissions to force people and brands into accepting this nonsense.

This is the core at which I have arrived through my research.

But what they fail to realize is the tools they have created to spread their propaganda under the garb of FoS like Social Media are now the major weapons in the hands of the truth-seeking majority.

We will expose the underbelly of this trans ideology with all its perversions of “minor-attracted people” (pedophiles), zoophiles, necrophiles, and many other programs such as the near-nude drag shows at schools for kids as young as 5, and 6, distributing dildos, and vibrators to the same children, trans literature such as the GayBCs, etc.

Jai Mahakaal!

– Mahaguru

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