The Hindu hatred of Ambedkar and why he shouldn’t be called the architect of the India constitution

Ambedkar hated many things Hindu, including our Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.

Although that should deter many Hindus not to follow in his footsteps, many do because it is him they consider the ‘magic-man,’ ‘the boon giver who has given them reservations.

This kind of selective approach towards Dharma where your own reservations exceed your love for reservations is what has failed us for many centuries.

That aside, I want to debunk this claim that Ambedkar is the ‘Architect of the Indian Constitution.’

At the very outset, if Ambedkar had a few demands and they did not come into the constitution, how can we call him the architect of the same?

The Constitution should provide for the transfer of the Scheduled Castes from their present habitation and form separate Scheduled Caste villages away from and independent of Hindu villages.

Writings and Speeches, Vol 9, p. 393

Was this dream of Ambedkar’s ever realized? Did the Constitution of India, supposedly fathered by Ambedkar, incorporate either of the two demands, namely, “Separate Electorates” and “Separate Villages” for SCs? No.

So does this mean Ambedkar created the Constitution? A resounding No!

Several of Ambedkar’s proposals and amendments were rejected by the Constituent Assembly.

Indeed, the accepted proposals and amendments of other members form the bulk of the Constitution according to B. Shiva Rao. In his book The Framing of India’s Constitution, Selected Documents, Vol II on p. 398 he iterated this view.

If the effort of creating the constitution is a collective one, how can he be solely given the credit?

The committee’s task was very clear. In Ambedkar’s own words, it was

charged with the duty of preparing a Constitution in accordance with the decisions of the Constituent Assembly on the reports made by the various committees…

(Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol VII, p. 31).

In other words, Constitution-making was a collective effort.

Therefore, to give full credit to him alone is to do a grave disservice to the enormous contribution to Constitution-making by Sardar Patel, Rajendra Prasad, BN Rau, SN Mukherjee (the Chief Draftsman to the Assembly), and many others.

Finally, if Ambedkar himself declines his role, isn’t that proof enough that he is NOT the architect of the Constitution?

The Rajya Sabha debate in 1953, in which he said,

“I shall be the first person to burn the Constitution,”

he also made the following revealing admission:

Now, sir, we have inherited a tradition. People always keep on saying to me: ‘Oh, you are the maker of the Constitution.’ My answer is I was a hack. What I was asked to do, I did much against my will.
– BR Ambedkar

With all this evidence at hand, we must stop calling Ambedkar the Architect of the Constitution.

Those of us who love our Dharma more than our reservations should outright reject this Hindu-hating hack of a man.

Jai Shri Ram! Jai Mahakaal! Jai Hind!

– Mahaguru

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